What’s Next?

This is the final part of the Cooking and Spicing Up OERs with H5P Workshopwhere maybe we have to clean up the mess we made in the kitchen!

As this is the first run of this workshop, we have made some estimated guesses at how much we might accomplish. But this workshop and all of it’s materials shall remain open and available at https://kitchen.opened.ca/oerizona21/

We invite anyone interested in H5P (whether with Pressbooks or not) to hang around the Main Kitchen site — look in the footer of every page of the site for a way to sign up to get email notifications of new content.

There is a new round of projects funded by BCcampus for H5P OER Development in Pressbooks, so the kitchen will remain busy March to July 2021. You can join any of our live webinars or catch them on archives.

And you are all invited to join and be part of our community space hosted in the OpenETC Mattermost.

Contact me anytime by blog comments here or via any of these fine channels:

Thanks to all the organizers of and participants at the 2021 Arizona Regional OER Conference.

Workshop Sections

Keep on cooking!

Image Credit: Photo by Bermix Studio on Unsplash