To me the best way to open your creativity to what H5P can do is to look at existing examples (not just the berry-licious demos on To follow up on our previous “buffet” of examples we have seen out on the web, below are a few more snack sized portions.
We are sharing these as well in the Buffet channel of the H5P PB Kitchen Mattermost Space (see the kitchen entrance if you want to get a door pass to join space).
We found a great tray of H5P from new titles at the Michigan State University Library’s Open Textbook collection.
For those interested in language instruction, see Basic Hindi by Dr. Rajiv Ranjan. It makes extensive use of a variety of H5P for practice and reinforcement of learning (Drag Text, True / False, Question Set, Questionnaire, Mark the Words, and Audio Recorder). I spotted 138 H5P Basic Hindi activities.
Maybe you can do better at Hindi than me!
The use of the Questionnaire tool suggests MSU has connected to some kind of Learning Record Store to record the results, a reason why we are not recommending this for our project (the Documentation Tool is the only one that provides a way for a learner to save their results as a .docx file, that in theory could be submitted elsewhere).
Another MSU title, Foundations of Neuroscience, was written by and illustrated by Casey Henley, PhD. The illustrations are fantastic! This textbook makes use of 24 H5P question sets (each with 4 to 10 questions) that are great examples of using constructive feedback in every item, such as this review of the retina.
Or see it in the context of the chapter as the “Test Yourself” activity at the end of chapter 4-19. Note the format that each chapter opens with a mini navigation link to the chapter resources, including a video version of the chapter.

See all the H5P content in this book at
And for a third MSU example, see An Interactive Introduction to Organismal and Molecular Biology by Andrea Bierema. This textbook includes over 100 H5P activities using a variety of H5P content types, designed to offer in-context practice with concepts.
This is an interesting use of the Image Hotspot’s to provide guidance on the key locations to analyze a scientific article.
Look at the chapter this activity is used in to see how other H5P elements are used within the context of this book.
Explore the H5P used in a Nursing Pharmacology textbook from the Wisconsin Technical College. The Respiratory section (14 chapters) ends with concept review practice activities followed up by a patient scenario (using… a branching scenario).
This book is part of the Open RN project which features many examples of using scenarios in Nursing.
From a BCcampus textbook/resource “Open Pedagogy in the Trades” See the chapter on H5P that include as examples practice identifying types of welds (flash card) and also knots (drag text).
Look for another serving of H5P samples soon- please share in comments below or in our Mattermost Buffet channel.
Image credit: Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash