Technically the BCcampus funded OER Development Project that supported the H5P Kitchen wrapped up in the end of July, with our last event being the showcase banquet webinar.
And this also ends my (Alan Levine) role as project support. But I cannot stay away from the kitchen π And this does not mean the Kitchen is closed, you can say we just dimmed the lights.
- This web site hosted on the OpenETC and all of its resources and tips, webinar archives will stay open at
- Our Mattermost community space (another one supported by the OpenETC) will also stay open, so use it to ask questions, share H5P meals, connect. At last count 107 people are there.
- A few of the projects from this year are still in progress for H5P development, and the others are moved into the phase of being prepared for publication in the BCcampus Open textbook collection. You might be surprised at how much extra detail work goes into that process. Like we did for the 2020 projects, we will try to update the 2021 listing page when the new, H5P flavored editions, are available.
- There’s much to be excited about in terms of the H5P OER Hub, which is so so so close to being widely available (see our foray into an early version).
- If you want to tinker with H5P on your own, all B.C. educators can create WordPress sites at the OpenETC and activate the H5P plugin to build your own kitchen. You do not even need to publish any content, but you can use the H5P space in the dashboard to create H5P content that can be embedded elsewhere. Inspired by the UBC studio where multiple people can get accounts, I had dabbled a bit with setting up a lab type site as a potentially cloneable example and I believe some folks at North Island College were doing the same as a H5P generating space.
- Also keep your eyes on as new open site for not only creating H5P and publishing to the OER Hub (that’s how I experimented) but other tools that are in development. It has been created by Yasin Dahi who built the original H5P studio for eCampus Ontario (he is prepping to make that available as open source).
- And do not forget about using Lumi for creating, editing H5P on your own computer. No studio needed!
2021 Summaries
We have been tracking the progress of H5P building in the current projects:
We produced 6 open webinars between March and August, 2021 with the following participation:
The H5P Kitchen made appearances at The Cascadia Summit (April) and at the Arizona OER Conference (February).
Published items on this web site included:
- Cooking With H5P Year 2: OER Grantees Kickoff March 8, 2021
- Who is in the Kitchen for 2021? March 8, 2021
- About the H5P Peak Chef Challenges March 9, 2021
- Our First Drop In Kitchen Lab Session March 9, 2021
- H5P Peak Chef Challenge #1: Scouting and Sharing March 11, 2021
- March Webinar: Learning from Team Vital Signs March 14, 2021
- H5P Licenses for Metadata: Match Game? March 24, 2021
- Not All Feedback is Created the Same in H5P March 29, 2021
- Catch JR Dingwall’s Tweeted H5P Presentation March 31, 2021
- Accordions, Collapsibles, Drawers, Disclosures April 5, 2021
- April Webinar: Inside Pressbooks with Steel Wagstaff April 12, 2021
- The Internet as a Buffet, Spotting Dishes of H5P May 3, 2021
- May Webinar: In the Kitchen With Kyle Mackie May 10, 2021
- Whatsa Agamotto? May 11, 2021
- “Concepts of Biology” on the Shelf May 18, 2021
- Tagging to Organize H5P Clutter (plus better metadata) May 21, 2021
- More Snacking on H5P May 25, 2021
- June Webinar: In the Kitchen, Branching With Arley Cruthers June 3, 2021
- The Kitchen at Cascadia Summit: Practice Makes Perfect June 7, 2021
- Controlling Access to All/Parts of your Pressbook June 15, 2021
- Experimenting Via the H5P Back Door July 1, 2021
- Inside the H5P OER Hub July 7, 2021
- July Webinar: The Project Banquet July 9, 2021
- You Can’t Always Git What You Want… (but we did) New Pressbooks Features August 3, 2021
Keep cooking and sharing your H5P dishes!
Image Credit: A light madness going on⦠flickr photo by DaMongMan shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license