Our next Cooking with H5P and Pressbooks webinar is Thursday, September 24 at 10:00am PT (check for your local time).
The archive of this session is now available:
Visiting the “kitchen” are Ontario educators Kim Carter (Conestoga College) and Marie Rutherford (Georgian College) who recently published in Pressbooks “Building a Medical Terminology Foundation“.
Remixed from an OpenStax textbook, this new version includes almost 150 H5P activities integrated into the content, aimed at enhancing the textbook with practice understanding and applying medical terminology.
They made much use of the Dialog Cards content type (35 items) for demonstrating pronunciation as well as many Drag and Drop (21 items), Drag Text (35 items), and more, all aimed at providing practice applying medical terminology to case scenarios.
The very first page of their textbook features with a Drag Text activity as a check of understanding of the meaning of word parts.
This project included crowdsourcing content from other colleagues plus contributions and reviews by students. Kim and Marie will share the thinking behind the design of their H5P practice activities, their reason for choosing which types of content types to use, and what they learned in the process.
Guests in the Kitchen

Kim Carter holds a B.Ed. in Adult Education from Brock University, M.A. in Leadership from the Lang School of Business & Economics, University of Guelph, and Empowered Educator credential from eCampus Ontario. Kim is a Professor in the Business School at Conestoga College ITAL in Kitchener, Ontario.
Prior to teaching, she worked in a variety of front-line health office administration roles in hospitals. Influenced by education leaders like bell hooks and Stephen Brookfield caring for students through their education journey is at the core of her practice. While new to OPEN education, it has become a passion to pursue and led to the collaboration project and recent publishing of Building a Medical Terminology Foundation OER.
Find more about Kim from LinkedIn and her website cupofteaching.ca

Marie Rutherford started her career journey in nursing and healthcare management. After several years involved in training and development, she decided to turn her focus to teaching and found a part time faculty opportunity teaching Anatomy. From this capacity Marie moved into a role as vice principal and then principal. In 1999, the opportunity to teach at Georgian College as faculty in the Office Administration-Health Services program arose and Marie found a place she loves to call home. In 2003, Marie decided to continue her education on a part-time basis focusing on additional degree studies. She is also the current author of two Canadian textbooks.
In 2018, Marie was fortunate to have a year of professional development leave where she studied Learning Design at the University of Toronto. There, the concept around open learning was explored and her quest toward OER development began. She holds an Empowered Educator credential from eCampus Ontario. The learning experience was a total game changer. In completing the credential, she met co-presenter and co-author Kimberlee Carter who provided the incubation environment for the open learning seed to grow into a full flowering plant.
Presenter Shared Resources
- Collaborators and Supporters (Medical Terminology Open Textbook)
- Building A Medical Terminology Foundation (Kim’s Story, Medical Terminology Open Textbook)
- Pressbook Guidebook for H5P (Pressbooks.com)
- Incorporating Accessible H5P into Pressbooks (H5P.org)
- Pressbook Guide to Accessibility Considerations (Pressbooks.com)
- Accessibility Toolkit – 2nd Edition (BCcampus)
Web Sites Mentioned in Chat
- eCampus Ontario H5P studio https://h5pstudio.ecampusontario.ca/
- Ontario Extend http://extend.ecampusontario.ca/
- BC Educators can use H5P via the WordPress platform offered by OpenETC https://opened.ca/wordpress/
- BC educators can also use H5P within Pressbooks at BCcampus self-serve Pressbooks instance at https://pressbooks.bccampus.ca/
- Anatomy and Physiology OpenStax textbook that this project was remixed from https://openstax.org/details/books/anatomy-and-physiology
- H5P Accessibility accessibility https://documentation.h5p.com/content/1290410474004879128
- For this project we’ve narrowed the 45 tools available to the 22 that are accessible and provide feedback https://kitchen.opened.ca/2020/06/19/organizing-h5p
- Hypothesis for web annotation http://hypothes.is/
- You can see all of the H5P activities in the medical terminology textbook https://ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub/medicalterminology/h5p-listing/
- The forthcoming OER Hub https://h5p.org/oer-hub-coming
- On Branching Scenarios https://kitchen.opened.ca/2020/09/20/branching-scenarios-yes-no-maybe/
- “Documentation Tool is a well kept secret, but would be so good as a reflective and metacognitive tool” https://h5pstudio.ecampusontario.ca/content/1098
Next Webinar
Our next webinar is scheduled for October 29 at 9am Pacific time, details TBA (look for a new post on this site), but we know our guest is H5P Founder Svein-Tore Griff With. We hope to learn more abpout the upcoming H5P OER Hub.
This event is free. To ensure we have an inclusive and welcoming environment for all, we’ve added registration to our webinars. Please note that it will close two hours before the event.
This notice is to inform you that this session will be recorded, archived, and made available publicly on BCcampus.ca. By participating in this session, you acknowledge that your participation in this session will be recorded and the recording will be made available openly.
Image Credit: “Dictionary of medical terms” cover, public domain image from the Wellcome Collection modified by Alan Levine including cropping and adding H5P and Pressbooks logos.