If you are interested in cooking with H5P, you did not want to miss the webinar on Thursday, October 29 at 9:00am PT (check for your local time).
The archive of this session is now available (with captioning)
Joining us in the kitchen was “Top Chef” Svein-Tore Griff With, founder of H5P, who was here to share and demo the new H5P OER Hub.

[The Hub] will be an integral part of the H5P authoring tool and allow users to easily share their content with every H5P user in the world! Content shared by others will of course be searchable and repurposable.
The H5P Content Hub is the heart of H5P and the soul of our vision of empowering everyone to create, share and reuse interactive content.
If we can fill up the H5P Content Hub quickly with free, open content that everyone can use and repurpose we can make life so much easier and learning so much better for new and existing community members. The H5P Content Hub is the framework for delivering the promise of H5P.
We learned from Svein-Tore how the H5P content being developed as part of this project can be shared in the Hub. And it was an opportunity to learn more about the future direction of H5P.
Guest in the Kitchen

Svein-Tore Griff With aká “Falcon” has led the development of three different open source tools for interactive content. Most famous of them is H5P with over 200,000 installations and 200 million users worldwide.
Svein-Tore has an engineering background, but does little coding these days and spends a lot of his time working on H5P’s road map instead.
Audience Poll
We polled the audience for their level of experience with H5P:
- None. I want to learn more
- Little. I have heard of it.
- Some. I have seen examples and perhaps made one or more activity to try it
- Moderate. I have created and tried H5P in my content
- High. I have created many H5P activities and use it extensively in my content
And here are the results:

Links Mentioned in Chat
- Studio20 Event http://studio20.bccampus.ca/
- About the BCcampus project: https://bccampus.ca/projects/open-education/the-open-homework-systems-project/
- https://h5p.org/
- H5P Content types https://h5p.org/content-types-and-applications
- H5P as service https://h5p.com/
- Lumi desktop H5P editor http://lumi.education/
- H5P license information (CC-BY 4.0) https://h5p.org/licensing
- H5P OER Hub https://h5p.org/oer-hub-coming
- I remix from https://h5pstudio.ecampusontario.ca/
- About H5P studio and more ways to find H5P content https://kitchen.opened.ca/2020/10/22/how-to-scout/
- Horsing Around With H5P (Terry Greene) https://h5pstudio.ecampusontario.ca/content/2704
- H5P Moodle plugin vs H5P.com vs the new Moodle core integration https://h5p.org/moodle-plugin-vs-moodle-core-vs-h5p-com
- H5P Getting started from the kitchen https://kitchen.opened.ca/2020/07/10/getting-started/
- H5P Basics: https://h5p.org/documentation/for-authors/the-basics
- H5P Tutorials https://h5p.org/documentation/for-authors/tutorials
- Good info for beginners: https://h5p.org/documentation/for-authors
- ETUG Introduction to H5P workshop https://etug.ca/2020/10/26/webinar-cooking-with-h5p-recording/
- H5P Accessibility https://h5p.org/documentation/installation/content-type-accessibility
- H5P accessibility checklist for all the different content types https://documentation.h5p.com/content/1290410474004879128
- H5P Content Type as a Periodic Table https://elearningworld.h5p.com/content/1290877980919598859
- H5P Pricing info: https://documentation.h5p.com/content/1290796486149145438
- Reusable H5P content as Sustainable Development Goals https://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/sustainable-development-goals.html
- Svein-Tore’s new polling feature demo https://falcon.staging.h5p.com/content/1291154159314337146
- Some content types coming soon (in German though :-))
Questions, Answers From Chat
- Are the symbols (image representations) of the h5p activities also under CC?
- (yes (CC-BY 4.0) https://h5p.org/licensing )
- How many people here have remixed existing H5P content?
- “Yes I have remixed it was great to have a ‘template’ for a presentation good start to a project”
- “I have remixed the H5P projects that my students made”
- “I remix from https://h5pstudio.ecampusontario.ca/“
- “i love this remixing idea”
- “I also remix and utilize content at eCampus Ontario. My students are doing the same. They love it!”
- “I have an H5P workshop tomorrow and I spent a lot of time trawling the eCampus Ontario hub this week looking for content to share. The tips on searching for content on the Kitchen website were really helpful.”
- I know the strength of H5P is its GUI, but I’m keen to find out if anyone has created learning objects using code? For example, I’d love to create an interactive video by starting with a video url and a text file of questions and timestamps, and use a coding approach to create the H5P aactivity. Any pointers?
- that’s a great idea. Theoretically, it’s doable if you edit the H5P json directly.
- I just want to add, that just today, we could announce that Creative Commons have implemented on the website all the national chapters – so now all CC Chapters can work together – telling the world how to share, learn, connect with each other! And we can spread the word that H5P is just perfect
- It is also important to get the word out to complete the meta-data so that the CC is clear.
- Does the hub rely on the Title field for info? Cause I name my h5p poorly w/ no reference to geology/stat/math i.e the category
- I wonder if there is a way to create a reminder for builders to complete the meta data before they save?
- When will the Hub be Live?
- Our BCcampus projects will be contributing around 500 interactions when the hub opens
- Can we use the Hub now? I want to start using H5P!
- The Hub is not quite ready for public. We’re getting a sneak preview here today
- “When it’s done” 😉
- “no dates == amazing to hear. :D” –> makes it very difficult to plan for, especially in a public school system 🙁
- So, also integrated into Pressbooks?
- If you have installed the H5P plugin on your standalone PB then yes. This is what we do at BCcampus. We have a standalone instance of PB with the H5P plugin activated
- Same for the self-hosted PB?
- Do you know if it will also be available in OpenETC’s WP?
- yes, once they role out the hub update and make it public, it will be in the OpenETC WP version
- I have heard that in Moodle the hub will be available via the H5P plugin but not via the H5P integration in newer versions. Is this the case?
- Yes, that’s true unfortunately. https://h5p.org/moodle-plugin-vs-moodle-core-vs-h5p-com
- There were rumors of an internal sharing hub to share within institution. Is that still on the roadmap?
- not sure about internal, might be a way to do something with tags
- What is the scope of this hub, regionally? Is it effectively global, or could there be local, regional versions? Could we have a hub just for our province?
- Can we pull our content from the hub for backup purposes (like the take out function from Google)?
- You can download all content and save it wherever most convenient for you
- If I dl a .h5p file, add content to it and use it, then the original author updates it and syncs it… it wouldn’t update the version I’m using, right?
- Does anyone know how H5P compares with Xerte? It looks like there’s a lot of overlap
- We all love the love for berries at H5P. Is there on berry enthusiast in particular at h5p?
- Yay berries! 🙂
- We love berries too!
- Its a very fruitful endeavour 😉
- In Maskwacis we like like saskatoon berries.
- Huge berry fan here!
- Tomatoes are berries. Does that make catsup a smoothie?
- That’s berry funny 🙂
- needs more Chuck Berry
- Hjortronsylt! <- cloudberry jam mmm-mmmmm
- Saskatoon berries are best
- Keep the berry puns coming!
- I’ve gotten the quizzes on the berry content wrong so many times while running workshops…
- For those of us who know very little about H5P can you recommend resources to get started with the very basics, please?
- H5P Getting started from the kitchen https://kitchen.opened.ca/2020/07/10/getting-started/
- The h5p.org website is a great place to start. They’ve done a really good job with examples.
- this has good info for beginners: https://h5p.org/documentation/for-authors
- Introduction to H5P ETUG workshop. https://etug.ca/2020/10/26/webinar-cooking-with-h5p-recording/
- Here are the basics: https://h5p.org/documentation/for-authors/the-basics
- Tutorial page: https://h5p.org/documentation/for-authors/tutorials
- Great H5P content summary- Periodic Table of H5P https://elearningworld.h5p.com/content/1290877980919598859
- Any Indigenous content?
- What is the sustainability plan for this? Could we consider this as part of our preservation plan for the H5P content of an open textbook?
- Is this content accessible for ADA purposes?
- There’s a list of accessible interactions. https://h5p.org/documentation/installation/content-type-accessibility
- H5P maintains an accessibility checklist for all the different content types https://documentation.h5p.com/content/1290410474004879128
- With H5P.com, what happens when your 30 day free trial ends? Is any pricing information available?
- We also need to create reusable H5P content on SDGs https://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/sustainable-development-goals.html
This event is free. To ensure we have an inclusive and welcoming environment for all, we’ve added registration to our webinars. Please note that it will close two hours before the event.
This notice is to inform you that this session will be recorded, archived, and made available publicly on BCcampus.ca. By participating in this session, you acknowledge that your participation in this session will be recorded and the recording will be made available openly.
Image Credit: Kitchen at Green Gulch flickr photo by Terrie Schweitzer shared under a Creative Commons (BY-SA) license modified by Alan Levine with overlay of the H5P/Pressbook logos, Pixabay Chef Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images, and Jouble logo.