This is part 1 of the Cooking and Spicing Up OERs with H5P Workshop…
I know you are eager to get your hands into the H5P tools. That is good! But if you wish to cook a new meal, you do not just open the utensil drawer or the appliance cabinet and grab tools. Or do you?
No, you usually have a dish in mind. Something you ate at a friend’s house or those places we went to re-pandemic and were served food. Or maybe it was a favorite meal a parent or grandparent made for you as a child. Then again, you may have stumbled across a photo online and spotted a delightful looking meal in your social media streams.
Just to whet your appetite, and maybe to find am H5P dish you can remix later in the workshop, we are going to explore two approaches to finding what’s of interest to you. You might want to find H5P content in a subject you teach or are interested in. Or you may want to explore what a particular H5P tool can do (there are more than 40 in the drawer!).
In this opener for the workshop, we ask that you practice exploring via the eCampus Ontario H5P Studio or the Pressbooks Directory. Just try to find something made with H5P of interest and taste it, at either the content level or the technology. We will ask that you download a copy of the H5P content as there is an opportunity later for you to modify it for practice or to put to your own use. And finally, we will ask that you share what you found so others can benefit from your tasting.
eCampusOntario H5P Studio

Developed with Wilfrid Laurier University, in the H5P Studio eCampus Ontario has built an extensive collection of H5P content, organized by content type, subject area, and license.
While contributing H5P content is limited to educators in Ontario, the collection is free to explore by anyone. Depending on the license options of the person who uploaded content, the H5P activities listed are usually open to download and remix (as this is built into the H5P system).
Yes, you can browse page by page (all 67 85 pages), but the savvy kitchen move is to open the left side search tool by clicking “show filters” in the upper left.

Very quickly I can get to 7 results of using the Image Hotspot in Earth & the Environment. You can also search by keyword in the title, author name, and also filter by license type.
So if you are looking to find examples of what the content types can do, you can make a search just for Branching Scenarios or Agamotta.
Another way one might use the filters is to search by discipline, say to show all H5P content created for Law or Medicine and Nursing.
The H5P Studio is a tremendously useful resource for finding H5P content.
What to do in the H5P Studio
- Use whatever means to find in the eCampusOntario Studio a relatively simple H5P that catches your interest, something with a delightful aroma! I sifted through the Medicine and Nursing items, and landed on the drag the words activity for Thoracic Vertebrae created by Brenda Magajna at Lakehead University.
- Bookmark or make note of the web address you found it at, in this case it is
- Beneath every H5P content you will find similar links that provide access to download the source .h5p content, information on the rights of use, and code to embed the activity into any web site.
Follow the Reuse link that then allows you Download as an .h5p file. Save this file in a good food storage bin (e.g. some place on your computer you can find later). - Share what you found from the H5P Studio in this form
- Find and share more, or try the Pressbooks Directory method below.
Pressbooks Directory

Clint Lalonde shared the directory when we started the H5P/Kitchen project. On its own it is incredibly useful for those looking to find open textbooks, as it indicates there are 2000 to search from.
There are many many filters for narrowing your search- by license, modification date, academic subject, word count, file size, and a whole lot more. Just scroll down and look for this friend:

You can limit search to find published Pressbooks with some range of H5P activities. If you are looking for say, anything in Mathematics that uses H5P, select the subject and a minimum of “1” for H5P.
Out of 17 titles listed for Mathematics, I found 3 that had at least 1 H5P inside of it. These are identified in the results with an H5P icon.

So this is definitely useful to find Pressbooks published textbooks in a given discipline that have H5P content.
Another strategy I used when I was looking for examples of Pressbooks that had an extensive range of examples (so you are not looking at ones that put in maybe a few Accordions or just a handful of multiple choice reviews) is to enter a larger number for the minimum number of H5P activities.
For example, I found 54 Pressbook titles that had more than 100 H5P pieces inside. How else would I have found Atlas of Renal Lesions in Proteinuric Dogs?

Regardless of your interest in H5P, if you are using, teaching, sharing about open textbooks, the Pressbooks Directory is gold. Pure gold.
But how do you get to the H5P buffet table once you found the Pressbooks link? I have a trick for you.
The Pressbooks URL Trick
To see all of the H5P activities in a single Pressbooks title, just tack /h5p-listing
onto any Pressbooks web address.
This little trick can be used to see how many H5P activities are in any published Pressbooks.
If I had not found it in the Pressbooks Directory above, and maybe just stumbled across the Atlas of Renal Lesions in Proteinuric Dogs Pressbook, I just go to it’s URL
then slap on the end of it /h5p-listing
, or directly

More than that, you can view all of the activities. Look an example of Agamotto:

I might have to read the book to know what amyloid spicules are, but this activity lets me see different parts of this image which are colored at the different drag points (hey this Agamotto tool is cool!).
If the authors had published more openly, the H5P content would be available under a “Reuse button”, but not everyone wants to share their amyloids.
What to do in Pressbooks Directory
- Use the search method described above to find in the Pressbooks Directory a textbook of interest to you and also one that contains H5P content. Save it’s web address. For example, I selected the Philosophy category and set the minimum number of H5P activities to 10. I chose to sample from the H5P included in Academic Integrity at - Use the URL trick (add on
to the textbook’s web address) to explore the H5P content used in the book, e.g.
Taste a few activities and find a relatively simple one that catches your interest for its function or use of a tool. Make sure the ones you pick are enabled with the reuse button (some authors do not allow this, tsk tsk). From the Academic Integrity list of H5P activities, I might like the variety of questions and use of feedback in the Question Set on “Plagiarism or not?” - Beneath every H5P content look for similar links to this
Click on Reuse to access a link for Download as an .h5p file. Save this file in your handy food storage bin (e.g. some place on your computer you can find later). - Share what you found in this form
- Find and share more, or try the eCampus Ontario method above.
Other Options for Finding H5P Content to Taste
Should these two resources not pan out for you, other methods to finding H5P include:
- This is the Laurier University Library’s H5P repo and the precursor to the eCampusOntario H5P Studio. There are 250+ H5P resources specific to Library functions and services, most of which are openly licensed and re-mixable (suggested by Yasin)
- Type the subject and -forums in any search engine and you’ll get results with either links to content libraries (Score!) or the activity itself which you can then download or copy the embed code. Try this google search for psychology h5p (suggested by Allyson)
- Explore the examples for each H5P content type from the main site (many seem to involve berries).
Whatever means you use, make sure that you
- Click Reuse to access a link for Download as an .h5p file. Save this file in a good food storage bin (e.g. some place on your computer you can find later).
- Share what you found in this form
If you are curious see the items others have shared into the kitchen web form.
More Cooking
Next, move on to another section of this workshop or return to the entry of the workshop.
- You Don’t Start Cooking By Reaching into the Utensil Drawer
- Remixing from H5P Hors d’oeuvres
- Simmering More Complex H5P Dishes
- What’s Next?
Learn More
Featured Image: Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay