Once I started using and learning about H5P I started paying more attention to places I saw it in use, like little interesting trays of interactivity.
These are being shared also in the Buffet channel of the H5P PB Kitchen Mattermost Space (see the kitchen entrance if you want to be in our space).
If you have spotted some, share below in comments or in the Mattermost space.
Worth noting as a creative means of doing a keynote talk (using H5P), as many have cited, is the creative Choose Your Own Adventure style keynote by Arley Cruthers for the BCcampus Studio20 event last November. Arley made creative use of an H5P branching scenario that makes for a much more deeply engaging experience, during and after, than just slides.. Warning! it will draw you in so leave ample time to wander https://wordpress.kpu.ca/arley/2020/11/14/choose-your-own-adventure-2/.
And worth seeing from Arley is her earlier work with the same Branching Scenario tool, a “a not so boring” (me countering her blog post title) Choose Your Own Adventure for looking back at the pre-pandemic mode of travel. Again, this is a clever way to describe the “old normal” https://wordpress.kpu.ca/arley/2020/09/24/a-very-boring-choose-your-own-adventure/.
And for one more branching connection, I got to know Arley’s work in a project to convert to H5P a table top card game she and her students developed to help educators better understand the experience students deal with in making decisions on textbook purchase. See more about this, and more branching scenario examples https://kitchen.opened.ca/2020/09/20/branching-scenarios-yes-no-maybe/
I was doing some research on the fun “Gasta” style presentations created by Tom Farrelly and used at the ALT-C conferences (and ETUG too when it was in Kamloops). The Gasta.me site Tom created to explain the concept uses H5P interactive video for the archives of sessions e.g. http://gasta.me/recording/ See also the use of H5P dialog cards so audience members can learn to count and yell out numbers in Irish http://gasta.me/counting-in-irish/.
Brian Lamb and I used H5P (again branching scenarios!) for our Gasta style presentation at the most recent OERxDomains21 conference. This was a talk about the use of clonable WordPress template sites at the OpenETC.
I spotted more H5P in a moving blog post by Stuart Lamb Cromar (University of Edinburgh) sharing his loss of vision due to a detached retina.
When researching my surgical procedures beforehand I had some difficulty sourcing any visual depictions of what to expect. The majority of resources were text-based academic papers.
Hopefully my open-licensed illustrations and interactives can help others mentally prepare for some visceral and disconcerting sight anomalies.
Stuart used an H5P timeline and Agamotto to simulate for us what the changes in his vision are like for him.
It’s inspiring to see how he is openly sharing not only the experience of this ordeal but so much open content.
There is much more in the buffet, so this feature will return soon with more tasty dishes. Again, please share any that you come across, below in the comments, over in Mattermost, or just shout to me on twitter.
Featured Image: Photo by Christian Chen on Unsplash modified by Alan Levine to include the H5P logo.